Friday, June 5, 2009

10 WAYS TO GROW / MAY 1,2009 =D

As I was cleaning out my old cube, I came across an article I had printed off the net a few years ago. I was cleaning out my old cube so I could transfer to my new one--only a few steps (maybe no more than 15) down the hall. Those 15 steps, however, spells all the difference in the world.

On May 1,2009, I moved out--not just from my cube but from my comfort zone. I've been in Brand Management since I graduated from good, old ADMU. Truth be told, even as early as sophomore year, I knew that I would be pursuing Marketing when I get out. I took every class, focused all my electives on anything Marketing-related. I built my career.

Early last year, I've been asked by our Group COO to consider moving to Demand Management. It's a new discipline--then, only superficially skimmed in the Tomato & Pineapple Company. No one really knew the full extent. I, for sure, did not. Think about it, he said. We need to set-up a true-blue Demand Management system here. The business needs it. I believe you're the one person who can do it.

In my quiet moments though, I had visions of it being all about historical settings and statistical analysis, and I imagined days (and possibly nights!) of poring through excel sheets, pretending to make intelligent guesses about the future and about how volume and profit can be maximized, given the resources that are on hand. I still love Marketing, I said. That's where my heart is. He let me stay.

Sometime in the middle of last year, I've been asked to reconsider again. This time, I did more than think about it. I actually asked around. Researched. Tried to find out everything that I could about Demand Management. You'd be on the fast-track to being GM, someone said, but truth be told, being GM back then was farthest from my mind. You'd have the opportunity to see beyond Marketing, T&T, they said. You'd have the opportunity to dabble in other disciplines. Beyond Marketing, you'd delve deeply into--and sometimes even drive--operations. It will give you the opportunity to see beyond the Philippine Market into Exports and New Markets, they said. In the end, it became quite clear to me that Demand Management offers more than just spreadsheets. But, I thought, I really like Marketing. So, this time, with fingers crossed, I asked to be ALLOWED to stay. He said OK, carry on.

Earlier this year, the inevitable happened. After the second time, Hubby Sweet actually told me that if I really wanted to stay in Marketing, I should pray that I don't get asked a third time. After all, I do live in the corporate world, and in the corporate world, you go where you are needed--not where you want to stay. I made a deal with God. If I get asked as third time, I will take it as a sign. As luck (or maybe God) would have it, I was asked a third time. "Maybe, I was really meant to do this," I sighed, looking up to the heavens, quite honestly, rolling my eyes. So I took a deep, DEEP breath. I said yes. Then I leaped--with both eyes open.

A rolling stone, they say, gathers no moss. I, on the other hand, have been adept at building a soft, cozy bed for myself.

It was finally time time to get up and roll. =)


Excerpts from TOP TEN WAYS TO GROW
by Diana Holman and Ginger Pape,
Authors of Repotting: 10 Steps for Redesigning Your Life

What happens to a beautiful plant that outgrows its container? If you don't repot it, eventually it withers and dies. Repotting is our term for transplanting yourself into a larger growth environment. Just as gardeners look for ways to promote growth in spring, you can rejuvenate your life by following this step-by-step process.

RETHINK YOUR LANDSCAPE. Adopting a new perspective is the first step to successful repotting. Just as some plants need a different environment to thrive, you need to start thinking in new ways. Ask yourself: what is really important to me? What trade-offs do I need to make to bring more light and meaning into my personal garden? What will bring color to my landscape? For example, if you are constantly traveling for work, but missing important family events, you could shift your priorities and adjust your schedule.

REALIZE THAT PLANTING IS A PROCESS. Slow down and create time in your schedule to research new avenues for personal growth. Don't be afraid of empty spaces. A friend of ours who cut back on her schedule immediately filled the open time slots with new activities. Remember to let "fallow beds" lie--don't fill up your free time until you know what you really want to do.

WEED YOUR GARDEN. Take a disciplined approach to finding more time in your day for activities that offer opportunities for growth. Make a list of the "must-do" activities, then eliminate non-essentials. A woman we counseled who had her own event-planning firm found her client lunches and after-hours professional activities were getting out of hand. She cut back on the number of commitments to make time for painting classes and choral singing--two long-lost passions.

LET IN MORE LIGHT. Your true gifts may be languishing for lack of sun. In order to grow and change, you'll need to open your mind to new possibilities, set goals that challenge you, and even take some risks. Instead of following a safe path, you might decide to explore something differeint. We worked with a lawyer who was unhappy with the rigid corporate structure. She ultimately became a pastry chef, giving up financial security in favor of a less constraining lifestyle.

TEND YOUR GARDEN REGULARLY. Whatever you choose to undertake, whether it's building a new career, volunteering or pursuing a new hobby, do something every single day to make progress. Don't let distractions take your energy away from the tasks necessary to achieve you goal. If you want to do personal writing but find yourself distracted by TV--try unplugging the set on weekends and using the spare time to keep a journal.

CULTIVATE YOUR DREAMS. To repot succesfully, you need to let your mind run free to entertain new concepts, ideas and avenues. Unleash your creative side by visualizing a new future for yourself. One of our clients, a mother who spent 20 years raising children, allowed herself to visualize a new identity. She tapped into her inner voice and let her imagination to take her beyond her current role to that of therapist for troubled youth.
WATER YOUR ROOTS. Find the core values that motivate you. Make sure the life you are living is in sync with your deepest values and priorities. If not, see what you can do to realign it. Let's say you feel the lack of spirituality in your life, but aren't sure how to find it. For two individuals we know, the answer to spiritual fulfillment lay in serving non-profit organizations. Two others took a religious path: one started a Bible study group, and the other entered seminary and was later ordained.

DON'T FORGET FERTILIZER. When you expand your knowledge, you expand your options. For personal growth, ongoing learning is crucial--whether you're pursuing a hobby or gaining new credentials for a career. The stimulation of learning fosters new growth and change at any age. A middle-aged stock market analyst decided to go back to school for an MBA so that she could start a business with her grown daughter.

PLANT A SAMPLE BED. Until you try a plant in your own personal garden, you won't know for sure if the conditions are right for growth. If they're not, you can always rip it out and start again. Embrace trial and error. A woman we know took training to see if she would like to become a massage therapist. While she enjoyed the nurturing aspect, she realized she didn't have the stamina to do it fulltime. She continues at her desk job and has a small massage practice on weekends.

GET INPUT FROM OTHER GARDENERS. Tap into your network--family, friends and colleagues--who may be able to give you feedback, advice and emotional support. As you benefit from the advice of others, you may also find that you're helping someone else along the way. A woman who wanted to change careers, talked openly with her family, professional friends and people who had known her throughout her life. She found her life enriched by connecting with old friends and developing deeper relationships with new ones.

A month into this new assignment, I find that there is a lightness in my step, a constant hum in my head, a consistent flow of blood through my veins. It's not that I like Demand Management better than Marketing. It's just different. And because it is different, everyday presents a new opportunity to learn. That, I suppose, makes all the difference in the world.

'Am not sure if I'm any good at this new thing that I'm doing. One thing is sure. I'm really trying my darn best to be. =)


angelaze said...

Wow demanding ka na pla! Congratulations!


Teynks. =D

dooders said...

hhhmmm...demand management...what a demands demands that... hehehe...


toyang&tweety said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Correct.....Ngyar...=D